2024 Lodge of the Year

At the lodge business meeting during the 2023 Fall Fellowship, lodge members approved the award requirements and neckerchief design for the newly created Witahemui Service Award. The award was created to recognize those Arrowmen who complete at least six hours of service for the Lodge and a minimum of 12 hours for the community outside of Scouting. The Vice Chief of Administration then reviews these completed requirements, and once signed off, the candidate is eligible to purchase one Witahemui award neckerchief at that year’s Winter Banquet. This award has been designed to promote service, as the Order of the Arrow is the “Brotherhood of Cheerful Service.”

To apply for the award, download a copy of the award form, record the service rendered to the lodge and outside of Scouting, have each service record signed by the supervising leader or beneficiary, then turn-in the completed form to the Vice Chief of Administration by emailing to VCAdministration@MuscogeeLodge.org. Also, feel free to direct any questions or concerns to the VC Admin.