2024 Lodge of the Year

Preston Kunkle, Section E7 Vice Chief

The Section E7 Council of Chiefs (COC) convened a meeting of all Lodge Chiefs and Section Officers on Sunday, January 19th to hold a special election to replace Elijah Aiken, who vacates the Section Chief role due to his recent selection as the new Eastern Region Chief. The COC selected Caleb Mulholland from Eswua Huppeday as the new Section Chief, creating a vacancy in the Section Vice Chief role. In a hotly contested follow-on election the COC elected Preston Kunkle the new Section E7 Vice Chief to finish the remainder of the 2024-25 term of office.

During this year’s Winter Banquet, Preston also received the Founder’s Award for his outstanding dedication to Muscogee Lodge, his commitment to all areas of Scouting, and the positive impact Preston has on the community.