2024 Lodge of the Year

2025 Summer Super Fellowship

The Summer SUPER Fellowship combines an Ordeal and a Fellowship into the year's premiere lodge event. The Ordeal begins on Thursday evening, culminating with the Ordeal Banquet early on Friday evening. After the banquet, the newly initiated Ordeal members join the remainder of the lodge in enjoying an action-packed, fun-filled Scouting event, featuring amazing food, fun games, and the fellowship with other Arrowmen.

Who Should Go

All elected Ordeal candidates should plan to register and attend the Summer Super Fellowship so that you may complete the Ordeal. A Call-Out will be held on Thursday evening at the event, so being called-out prior to the event is not strictly required. All dues-paid lodge members should register for the event, and the registration fee is included for lodge members who purchased the Annual Pass.

What To Know

The Summer SUPER Fellowship is a combination Ordeal and Fellowship: a 3-day weekend event! The Ordeal begins on Thursday evening and finishes Friday evening when we transition over to the Summer SUPER Fellowship.

The fee for the fellowship is $25. Help us properly plan and buy enough food by registering no later than Monday, October 6th. Thanks for your help in this matter.

You must be a registered Order of the Arrow member to attend, but it is easy to pay your lodge dues today. When you make your payment, you can immediately register for the Muscogee event. A completed BSA health Form will be required (doctor's signature not required). If needed, please contact the lodge medical team at medical@muscogeelodge.org with any specific questions or concerns.

For more details contact your Chapter Chief or the Vice Chief of Program at VCProgram@muscogeelodge.org. An email with the weekend's theme, program activities, and campsite assignments will be sent ASAP.

When To Go

You can check in Thursday AFTER 6:30pm, Officers and Event Staff will need the time prior to 6pm to get prepared to receive you at Camp.

The Chapter Chiefs will assign youth Arrowmen to adirondacks, and adults should bring a tent in case all adirondacks are occupied. HERE is the packing list for Ordeal candidates.

The event ends after camp clean up and chapel service on Sunday (around 11:00 AM).

Where To Go

Muscogee Lodge will have its Summer SUPER Fellowship on July 17-20, 2025 at Camp Barstow. Enter your starting address HERE to create a map to 117 Camp Barstow Drive, Batesburg, SC 29006.

Chapter Campsite

Camp Barstow map
Map of Barstow
Chicora TBD
Iswa TBD
Maskek Woakus TBD
Santee TBD
Sukeu Sipo TBD
Tschitanek Woakus TBD
Tschitaneu Aptonagan TBD

How To Register

The fee for the Summer SUPER Fellowship for ORDEAL CANDIDATES is $55.
The fee for the Summer SUPER Fellowship for Lodge members is $25.
Help us properly plan and buy enough food by registering no later than Monday, July 14th. Thanks for your help in this matter.

You must be a registered Order of the Arrow member to attend, but it is easy to pay your lodge dues today. When you make your payment, you can immediately register for the Muscogee event. A completed BSA health Form will be required (doctor's signature not required). If needed, please contact the lodge medical team at medical@muscogeelodge.org with any specific questions or concerns.

For more details contact your Chapter Chief or the Vice Chief of Program at VCProgram@muscogeelodge.org. An email with the weekend's theme, program activities, and campsite assignments will be sent just prior to the event.

Emergency Contact

In the unlikely event you need to reach the location leadership during the event, please contact Mason Thomas at 803-360-3155 or Scott Hagler at 919-750-1283. Should your call be directed to voicemail, please leave your full name, your Scout's full name, and a detailed message and your call will be returned as soon as possible.
Event Details
2025 Summer Super Fellowship
July 17-20, 2025
Camp Barstow


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