2024 Lodge of the Year

Path to Brotherhood

By now, you’ve been an active member of Muscogee Lodge for at least six months (some of you for longer) and you’ve continued making contributions to your home unit. Ever mindful of your obligation of continued service to Scouting, you may be ready to consider your next steps in the Order of the Arrow, along your path to the Brotherhood honor. To be prepared for the challenges you will face, you may want to refresh your knowledge of the Order, perhaps using the resources provided, below.

Don’t miss the special Guide to Inductions publication, which is specifically written for those holding the Ordeal honor (your sash looks like one on the right). As this information is only available to members of the OA, you’ll need the password to unlock the knowledge. For material secured with an Ordeal safeguard, the password is the Admonition of the Order (in all lower case letters, no spaces, no quotes, no punctuation). If you do not know the Admonition, ask another member, a member of the Ordeal Ceremony team, or your lodge or chapter adviser.

The Inductions Portal is a vital resource for jumpstarting new Ordeal honor members’ efforts to get moving on their OA journey. If you have not already done so, connect to the Jumpstart for New Arrowmen program, where you’ll find information and explanations to help propel you along on your journey. You’ll need your OA Handbook to login to the site. Contact your Chapter Chief with any questions you may have; if you don’t remember your assigned chapter, contact VCChapterSupport@MuscogeeLodge.org.

Many new initiates into the OA find additional meaning and an added sense of purpose in supporting an Induction Weekend, after they’ve completed their own. While this is not required to earn the Brotherhood Honor, the experience may help you to answer some of the questions posed during the Brotherhood challenge. There are opportunities to provide service, during the Spring Induction Weekend, the Summer Super Fellowship, and the Fall Induction Weekend, whether as an Elangomat (after having received Elangomat training) or in another support role. To get more information or express interest, contact the Ordeal Chairman at Ordeal@MuscogeeLodge.org.

Lodges like Muscogee #116 are organized nationally into two regions: the Eastern Region (to which Muscogee belongs) and the Gateway Region. Each region is divided into sections, and each section covers a smaller geographic area. All of South Carolina and parts of North Carolina and Georgia are included in our section, E7. There are 11 lodges in our Section, those same 11 lodges who meet at the Cornerstone Conclave (or section conclave/fellowship).

Brotherhood Challenge

Having reviewed the materials suggested above (and others), you may be ready to challenge your knowledge, understanding, and resolve by demonstrating these accomplishments for the Brotherhood Board. The requirements are reviewed in the following Brotherhood Study Guide, which is only available to those who are already members of the Order of Arrow. These materials are secured with an Ordeal safeguard, the password is the Admonition of the Order (in all lower case letters, no spaces, no quotes, no punctuation). If you do not know the Admonition, ask another member, a member of the Ordeal Ceremony team, or your lodge or chapter adviser.