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Muscogee Lodge #116

2024 Lodge of the Year

Muscogee Lodge #116’s first newsletter issue is published and available for download. It includes a re-cap of recent events, introductions for and aspirations from all Vice Chiefs, a feature piece on the new lodge pocket flap set, and reminders for several upcoming events. The issue is only available virtually, so check it out, below, or go to the Tail and Feather archive, now!

As a Scout must always be prepared, never leaving something to chance, the title of this Muscogee blog post may need explaining – perhaps, for our younger audience. When printed newspapers were the primary source of news (say, before radio’s popularity), publishers might print a second edition of their daily newspaper, which featured breaking news of some extraordinary event. The “newsies” who sold papers on the street corner would shout, “Extra! Extra! Read all about it!” as a way to grab the attention of those passing by.

Tail and Feather newsletter