Well, there we go again. Muscogee managed to clinch the National Ultimate Frisbee title, again…for the fourth time at NOAC. Ah, yes, nothing says “National Order of the Arrow Conference” like an ultimate frisbee tournament. As in years past, Muscogee sent a worthy contingent to Knoxville, TN this Summer for the biennial all-in-one celebration, training seminar, and field-day event.
Perhaps, it is apropos that the event was held on the University of Tennessee campus, perennial home to national-level sporting events. As of this writing, your Lodge Chief, Grace Franklin is negotiating a bid to create a cross-SEC/ACC ultimate frisbee league, in which Muscogee #116 plans to dominate. As the ol’ song goes, “it’s hard to be humble, when you’re perfect in every way [at ultimate frisbee].”
Live follow-up: Subsequent to first publishing this story, the cross-SEC/ACC ultimate frisbee league fell through. Also, Grace Franklin may in fact know nothing about those negotiations, as they may not have occurred in the first place.